Krishan Kumar

1942'de Trinidad and Tobago'da doğmuş İngiliz sosyolog. Virginia Üniversitesinde sosyoloji kürsüsü başkanı sosyoloji profesörü.


Krishan Kumar is University Professor, as well as William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia. He was previously Professor of Social and Political Thought at the University of Kent at Canterbury, England. He received his undergraduate education at the University of Cambridge and his postgraduate education at the London School of Economics.

Professor Kumar has at various times been a Talks Producer at the BBC, a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, and a Visiting Professor at Bristol University; the University of Colorado at Boulder; the Central European University, Prague; the University of Bergen, Norway; and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. He has also been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

Among his publications are Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-Industrial Society; Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modern Times; The Rise of Modern Society; From Post-Industrial to Post-Modern Society; 1989: Revolutionary Ideas and Ideals; and The Making of English National Identity.

Mr. Kumar's current interests focus on empires and imperial peoples. Related interests include nationalism and nation identity, Europe, global history, and problems of historical sociology.

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Kaynak Adı Yayın Evi Basım Yılı Basım Yeri Baskı Adeti
Sanayi Sonrası Toplumdan Post-modern Topluma Çağdaş Dünyanın Yeni Kuramları Dost Kitabevi Yayınları Nisan 2013 Ankara 4. Baskı